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James Gibson

If you’re thinking about moving from one PPC agency to another, or if you need support managing your in-house PPC campaigns - it’s important you ask the right questions before signing any agreements. 

Before making a final decision on which agency you choose, it is very important you fully understand the ins and outs of a proposed strategy and how your campaigns will be managed. Formalities like account ownership can cause issues in future, if not agreed to initially.

The experienced PPC team here at TDMP has put together 10 questions they recommend you ask before starting a new agency relationship. 

Will I have access to the PPC account? 

When it comes to creating and managing PPC accounts on behalf of clients, agencies have two main options - requesting access to existing accounts or creating new accounts. 

If an agency requests access to your existing account, you will most likely keep independent access which will allow you to view results via your own login. This also means if you decide to move on from the agency you’re working with - you will keep control of your account. 

If an agency decides to create a new account, this often means you will not have independent access. This also means that if you choose to leave the agency in future – you risk losing access to the account altogether. 

Here at TDMP, we always ask for client account access – so that you remain in control of your Google Ads, Google Display or Facebook advertising accounts, even if you decide to stop working with us in the future.  

Does your PPC team have relevant accreditations and certifications? 

Industry recognised certifications and accreditations are increasingly important when considering starting work with a new agency as they act as a ‘stamp of approval’ – showing that team members have taken the time to learn their skills correctly. 

TDMP’s PPC team has the qualifications, accreditations and certifications to prove they know what they’re talking about. All of our PPC Analysts are Google Ads, and Bing Ads certified. Our paid social team also have industry recognised accreditations including Facebook Blueprint Certifications and Twitter Flight School badges.

How do you measure success? 

PPC campaigns are often measured by clicks, impressions and CTR – but for many businesses, these numbers are irrelevant and not useful.  

We measure success in different ways – we provide you with results and developing KPIs which meet your commercial objectives. Attribution is also vital when it comes to measuring PPC success – without the right tracking, it can be impossible to identify the actual effects of paid advertising. 

As an agency, we’re always transparent and realistic when it comes to what can be achieved and what should be measured to see success. 

Do you offer services across different PPC channels (not just Google Ads)? 

Google Ads is not the only product or channel available to businesses. Google Display Network, Bing Ads and Facebook Advertising are other popular channels you can use to reach target audiences when it matters most. 

The TDMP PPC team manage campaigns across many different paid channels including; Google Ads, Google Display Network, Bing Ads, Facebook Advertising and LinkedIn Advertising. 

How are fees calculated for PPC campaigns? 

Management fee structures depend on the agency you’re working with. Some agencies work on a fixed project fee basis, others charge monthly, and some work out a management fee based on a percentage of media spend. 

Our pricing is based on the number of hours required and used to manage campaigns. We always start by providing an estimation of the hours we think will be needed and can limit this number to suit your budgets. We’re 100% transparent with our pricing and only charge you for the time we use. 

Will I have to agree to a minimum contract length? 

Some agencies ask new clients to sign up to long-term contracts, varying from 6 to 12 months. This can be risky if you’ve never tried PPC before or are new to working with an agency. 

We only ever ask our clients to sign up to a rolling 30-day agreement, as we’re confident in our abilities and don’t feel we need to tie clients into long-term contracts. 

How often will campaigns be reviewed? 

The way to successful PPC is testing and learning. 

Our PPC teams review campaigns on a regular basis; this can be daily or weekly depending on the type of campaign, traffic volumes and your objectives. All campaigns we setup follow a custom strategy and are made to make sure you get the most from your PPC budget. 

How often will I receive progress reports? 

If you decide to invest in PPC, you need to know where your money is being spent to understand how it’s helping you achieve your business objectives and ROI. 

We believe that no client should ever be left in the dark when it comes to their PPC campaigns – that’s why we produce custom reports, showing data which is important to your business. We work closely with you to develop reports which contain the metrics which matter, making sure they’re easy to understand and jargon-free.

With us, you can choose to receive your reports in a traditional pdf format, as a presentation or as a digital dashboard – we produce what’s suited to the way you work. Our client reports are sent once a month and compare data from previous periods, months and years.

What software will be used to manage my campaigns? 

Many PPC agencies use ‘bid management’ tools to run client PPC accounts. This means they’re not actually controlling and deciding on specific spending, but instead relying on software algorithms. 

Our PPC team don’t use bid management tools. We like to be in full control of your account and the way it spends media budget, helping to make sure you get the lowest cost per conversion. 

Who will be managing my campaigns? ​​​​​​​

Just because a proposal or plan was created or delivered by a PPC manager, does not mean it will be managed by them. Before you start a new agency relationship – make sure you know exactly who will be working on your campaigns and PPC accounts. 

Choosing a new PPC agency should be about finding a team who is aligned with your overall commercial objectives and the way you work. As an agency, our focus is on delivering measurable results and building long-lasting, positive client relationships.

Final word

If you need help creating a high-performance PPC campaign or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.