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Mary Liversidge

Digital marketers are widely considered the early adopters of new technology. Whether it’s a new social platform, or a new piece of AI software, we’re always on the lookout for ways to improve efficiencies and promote brands in new and exciting ways.

We also believe that transparency is key to successful client relationships, and providing context around how we operate as an agency benefits our clients – whether it serves as inspiration for your own processes or to simply better understand ours.

In this article, we discuss the key AI and marketing tools we use here at TDMP to give us the most accurate insights, increase efficiency, and ensure we continue to provide our best work.

Getting the most out of AI

Automation should always go hand in hand with human expertise. No matter how intelligent AI and software become, it’s important to view them as tools to enhance your own capabilities rather than one-stop solutions.

Whilst they can provide extra insight that may otherwise be overlooked during research, strategy, and daily marketing activities, they will never replace the context and deductive reasoning capabilities of the human brain.

Our team are highly trained experts in their field, and we believe no amount of AI will replace the nuanced knowledge and years of experience they have gained from real-life problems.

Which AI & marketing tools do we use at TDMP?

1. Semrush

What is Semrush and how do marketers use it?

Semrush is a comprehensive digital marketing platform that provides insights for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research. It helps SEOs to optimize online presence and improve website visibility in search engine results.

Marketers can carry out keyword research, backlink analysis, site audit, and rank tracking. It also offers features for managing campaigns and tracking performance.

How we use Semrush

Semrush is an excellent all-rounder to support with our daily SEO marketing activities.

Whether it’s reporting, keyword & topic research, backlink reviews, scheduling social content – it provides an excellent base for us to develop marketing insights & action the daily essentials.

David, our Head of SEO, comments: Semrush are always adding new features and their commitment to providing excellent insights is something we value as an agency.

2. ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT and how are marketers using it?

Since its launch in November 20222, ChatGPT has been at the centre of AI discourse within marketing.

An opensource conversational language model developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT can generate human-like responses to a wide variety of prompts, and it’s latest version – GPT-4 – is more advanced than ever.

Marketers are using it to produce ad copy, conduct research and plan content. Some even use it to develop strategies – which we generally recommend against!

How we use ChatGPT

Having tested ChatGPT alongside our daily marketing processes, it was clear that the platform was advanced, and capable of providing relevant responses in a timely manner.

Tasks such as keyword research, topic research, and ad copy suggestions were accurate and humanlike, and we see potential in the platform aiding our research tasks or providing a springboard for more detailed content and copy to be produced.

ChatGPT shortcomings

Whilst the platform is undoubtedly impressive, there are, as with most AI platforms, shortcomings to be aware of.

  1. Responses are only pulled from website content from 2021 and before – meaning responses aren’t totally up to date – meaning we always carry out further research or the most up-to-date information

  2. Responses can be generic and repetitive – requiring human input and additional research or prompts

  3. Accuracy of responses can vary – we always check, proofread and perform more detailed analysis from its insights

That being said, as a tool for deepening knowledge around a topic, and developing more varied and engaging content, ChatGPT is an excellent tool to support research processes – rather than replace them entirely.

3. Optmyzr

What is Optmyzr and how are marketers using it?

Optmyzr provides tools and insights to improve online advertising performance. It offers a variety of features, including bid management, ad copy testing, and keyword research tools, as well as analytics and reporting capabilities.

Marketers use Optmyzr to automate and optimize their advertising campaigns across platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads, helping to identify areas of underperformance and make data-driven decisions to improve ROI.

How we use Optmyzr

Our PPC team primarily uses Optmyzr for reporting.

Jerry, our Head of PPC, comments: By automating the administrative side of reporting such as data gathering, our team can use their time to focus on the important aspects such as data analysis and PPC strategy development.

4. Screaming Frog

What is Screaming Frog and how are marketers using it?

Screaming Frog is a website crawler used to analyse and audit website structure, content, and technical issues. Marketers, SEO professionals, and website developers use it to identify any issues that may be impacting their search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX).

It can be used to find broken links, missing metadata, duplicate content, and other technical issues that could be hurting a website's SEO.

How we use Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is an excellent tool to identify areas for improvement regarding page experience – and we use it in tandem with Google’s Page Experience tool to help increase clients’ websites’ authority score and rank.

In particular the Excel export feature to analyse patterns and issues with web structure and navigation are invaluable when making data-driven decisions to optimize the website and helps us to quickly identify technical issues so that we can solve them.

5. HotJar

What is HotJar and how are marketers using it?

HotJar provides analytics and insights into how visitors interact with a website, including heatmaps, session recordings, surveys, and polls, to help understand user behaviour.

It’s a great tool for marketers, designers, and UX researchers to visualise obstacles in user journeys and identify areas of their website that need improvement.

How we use HotJar

We use HotJar to make data-driven decisions to optimize a website’s user experience. For example, it can help to address problems such as low conversion rates on landing pages with high traffic by identifying if there are any UX issues with their site which could be impacting users’ ability to convert.

6. Forecast

Forecast is an AI resource & project management tool which enables teams to optimise their capacity, plan time, and track billable hours effectively.

Using AI, it enables organisations to manage and track the availability of their staff by creating projects and assigning tasks within the scope of their team’s availability.

How we use Forecast

Having made the switch from to Forecast, we make use of Forecast’s extensive capabilities to accurately track the time spent on client tasks, administrative tasks, and meeting times to evaluate where our resources are best spent and where we can optimise our time to better serve our clients.

Final word

It’s an exciting time for AI and we are constantly evaluating the legitimacy and accuracy of new tools to support your campaigns as effectively as possible.


Contact us today to see how we can transform your online presence and drive real results with our cutting-edge digital marketing strategies.

Our team of experts specializes in SEO, PPC, social media & content marketing to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.