The performance of a Google Ads campaign is partly determined by quality score – a rating system which measures the relevance of ads, landing pages and target keywords. Quality score is a 1 – 10…
On the 10th September Google announced that it is changing how it views ‘nofollow’ links. The search engine will now view the nofollow link attribute as a ‘hint’ as to whether the value of a link…
What is RankBrain?  RankBrain is an artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning system which works alongside Google’s hand-coded algorithms.  Google’s hand-coded algorithms match search queries…
Facebook tracks what its users do, even when they’re not using the social channel’s app or website. The platform can see what their users are doing online and tracks browsing history. It uses this…
Backlinks play a significant role in determining where a site ranks. A backlink – a link from one site to another – in the eyes of search engines, is a ‘vote of confidence’. They signal that a…