Google update

Initially planned as a modest 10-day rollout, Google’s March 2024 core algorithm update took a full 45 days to complete — which gives you an idea of just how significant it really was, is, and as we…
On July 1, 2024, Google will complete the decommissioning of Universal Analytics. This concludes an incremental sunsetting process that began in Q1 of 2023.  During this period, Google has been…
On March 5th, it was announced that Google were breaking ground on their March 2024 core algorithm update — and that it was going to be larger and more complex than the core updates of recent memory…
At the end of last year Google announced that Consent Mode v2 will be required by March 6th, 2024 – and website owners operating within Europe would need to ensure changes were implemented in order…
By Q3 of this year, Google has stated that Chrome’s third-party cookie jar will be empty — following similar moves by competitors, Firefox and Apple’s Safari. This portends the beginning of an…