Google update

Google has announced the rollout of its new Page Experience tool for desktop – starting in February 2022 and due for completion in March 2022. In this article we highlight the key changes, what this…
Yesterday Google launched its latest PageSpeed Insights (PSI) update, with a focus on usability and clarity. Below we list the key changes and why we think this will have a positive impact for…
In August 2021 Google announced it was changing its page title system, moving from dynamic, changing titles based on searchers’ queries, to more static page titles. In this article we will discuss…
Google has launched new Google Search Console insight reports. The reports are designed to aid content creation as they provide data that can be used to understand how audiences discover content –…
​​​​​​​From mid-June 2021 Google’s search ranking algorithms will consider user experience (UX). The Page Experience algorithm update was due to launch in May, but the launch was delayed to allow for…